Get Into Medicine Conference 2024
Are you thinking of applying for medicine, or want some expert guidance on how to have a competitive application to medical school in the UK? The Get into Medicine event is a not-for-profit must-attend conference for students and parents.
Join our student email list to learn about future events and conferences.
The Ultimate Widening Participation Conference for Future Doctors
Not-for-profit conference. All proceeds are donated to charity.
Hosted in partnership with Medical Schools and NHS organisations.
Multiple workshops to help you get into medicine.
Attend The Largest Widening Participation Conference for Aspiring Medics
Do you want to know what it is like studying at medical school and what life is like working as a doctor in the NHS? How can you increase your chances of getting into medicine? Get your answers at Get into Medicine Live.
How to Get Into Medicine
Here are some of the topics we plan to cover during the day. We will also have workshops specifically designed for parents.
All widening participation events are done on a not-for-profit basis. No payments are made to the speakers at these events who attend voluntarily. Any proceeds from the events are donated to local charities.
Get expert tips from medical school admissions tutors on planning your UCAS Personal Statement 👁 Learn how to structure your UCAS personal statement and what to include.
Learn about what medical schools offer - this information could be helpful in your interview 🔎 Learn the methods used to teach medicine at university.
Learn from students what medical schools have to offer and why they made their choices. Learn how to use your GCSE, A-level grades and UCAT score to choose which medical schools to apply for 🧐
How the medical school interviews are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic 🔎 Learn about medical school interviews and how to improve your performance.
Get tips on what medical schools are looking for in your application and what the entry requirements are 🧐
Learn how medical schools score your application and decide who to call for an interview 🔎 Learn about GCSE and A-levels.

“Thank you for an excellent course last Sunday. You taught in one day what it has taken us a few years to organically learn. The younger participants are very lucky to have a head start in this process.”
— Parent from September 2019 Get Into Medicine Conference
Get Into Medicine Live March 2021
The last widening participation conference was held on Saturday, the 20th of March 2021. This was done over Zoom due to the ongoing pandemic at the time. A big thank you to all the students and parents who donated to our hospital charity.
Copies of the talks have been uploaded to Dr. Abdul Mannan’s Channel on YouTube and indexed below. If you find the videos useful, please like and subscribe to the Channel – regularly updated.
The conference starts with Dr Mannan talking about the aims of the conference and a talk by Dr Lynch, a Professor of Medical Education at UCLAN School of Medicine.
Talks from the Lancaster Medical School with guidance on application and a comprehensive talk on work experience requirements during the COVID19 pandemic from Aston University.
Representatives from Edge Hill Medical School talk about contextual offers.
We welcome two Scottish Medical Schools for the first time to Get Into Medicine Live. Representatives from the University of St. Andrews and the University of Edinburgh talk about what they are looking for in prospective candidates.
We are pleased to be jointed by the University of Cambridge where there will be talks on graduate entry medicine, and an admissions tutor from Imperial College London.