NHS clinical attachments
What is a clinical attachment?
A clinical attachment is a short-term clinical placement for qualified doctors and international medical graduates who wish experience of working in the NHS.
In Person clinical NHS UK Clinical Placements supervised by Dr Abdul Mannan, fully qualified NHS General Practitioner and Medical School Tutor 🎓
Are you a doctor who wishes to work in the UK and wishes clinical experience in an NHS university GP training practice?
Are you an international medical graduate who is in the process of sitting the PLAB examination and wishes clinical experience in the UK to help with job applications?
⚠️ Due to clinical commitments, there are no clinical work experience placements for Hazelvalley surgery in 2025.
Why should you choose a clinical attachment in Hazelvalley Surgery ?
We a fully accredited GP training practice for Undergraduate training from the University of Manchester and UCLAN medical schools 🏆
We are a fully accredited GP surgery for postgraduate Foundation Year (FY) and GP specialist training (GP ST) 💎
We have trained over 200 medical students, over 20 foundation year doctors (FY2) and over 20 GP ST (specialist training) doctors 😀
The practice has received platinum awards for the excellent standard of medical education 🥇
The practice has been rated at the third best GP practice in East Lancashire with a patient satisfaction rating of 92% 📚
Our team are members of the BMA, RCGP, Health Education England and clinical leaders in the NHS trained at Masters level in Medical Education 🏃🏻♀️
NHS clinical experience for plab and international medical graduates
We provide fully supervised NHS GP clinical placements for doctors who wish to pursue a career in the NHS in the United Kingdom
Our placements mirror those of Foundation Year and GP Specialist Training (GPST) doctors that are also attached to the practice.
Your will have an Educational Supervisor, who will be a fully qualified NHS GP trainer. Your supervisor will meet you regularly through the placement and provide feedback.
You have a formal induction which will include a learning needs assessment. You will be given written aims and objectives and your progress will be assessed through the placement.
We can help you create a portfolio of experience. We can provide written evidence of your performance using approved methods such as consultation observation tools and case-based discussion.
You will gain an insight into how an NHS GP practice works and the patient journey. This includes blood tests, prescribing, reviewing hospital letters and referrals.
We will include teaching on the NHS GP IT system, including record keeping and read coding.
There is opportunity to actively shadow doctors. This means the session will be interactive and you will be expected to engage with patients.
You will be taking a patient history and examination under direct supervision. There may be opportunity to undertake supervised practical tasks dependant on experience.
There is opportunity to shadow other members of the healthcare team, including the nurse practitioner, physical associates, physiotherapist, social prescriber, practice nurse for example.
Opportunities can be provided for experience in specific areas, such as child and adult safeguarding and chronic disease management, on request.
You will have the opportunity to engage in Quality Improvement Activity, such as an audit. Longer placements also have the opportunity to undertake a clinical project.
The practice has weekly clinical meetings which you will attend. These may have opportunity to discuss significant events and palliative care patients.
There may be the opportunity to network with other international medical graduates and international medical students if they are in placement at the same time as you.
On satisfactory completion of your placement, we will provide you with a reference from the practice that you can use in future applications.

How do I apply for a placement at Hazelvalley Family Practice?
Application procedure for a clinical placement at Hazelvalley Family Practice.
We can provide placements for a duration from 1 week (5 working days, 10 sessions) up to 3 months.
The fees for the in person placement start at £1000 for one week. There are substantial discounts for multiple doctors and longer placements and fees are negotiable based on the level of supervision and engagement you require. Fees do not include accommodation or travel costs.
We can tailor your placement to cover any specific learning needs as every doctor is an individual and each placement is designed based on these needs.
Placement can be at most times of the year with custom start dates. However, placement numbers may be limited in UK school holiday periods.
To enquire about a placement, please email support@bluepeanut.co.uk for application forms with details of the dates that you wish.
You will be required to sign confidentiality and code of conduct agreements.
Requirements for an application for a clinical placement
Police Clearance, Letter of Good Standing
Copy of a valid passport
IELTS (7.5 overall) or OET (A or B) results
Copy of medical degree certificate, in English
Updated curriculum vitae
Proof of passing the PLAB 1 exam
Copy of valid UK Visa
Two recent references
Immunity to Tuberculosis, Measles, Rubella, Varicella and Hepatitis B
COVID-19 vaccination record
We will send you an immunisation declaration form that will need to be signed by a health professional. You will need to submit evidence of all vaccinations and blood tests.
Not sure what to book or need advice ? Please speak to Dr Khan or Dr Mannan in total confidence on UK + 44 1706 491146 or send us an email at support@bluepeanut.co.uk

Meet your educational supervisors on your Medicine work Experience
Dr. Abdul Mannan MBChB, DFSRH, PG Cert, MRCGP
🩺 Dr Mannan qualified in Medicine in 2000 from the University of Manchester Medical School. After a brief stint as a junior surgeon, Dr Mannan decided he wanted to be a GP.
🎓 He is trained at Masters level in Medical Education and helps supervise medical students from local medical schools. He is also a GP trainer and educational supervisor for foundation doctors and GP specialist trainees.
Dr Mannan, as well as running a successful NHS university GP training practice for many years, is also the Medical Director of the local Primary Care Network (PCN). He is currently helping with the COVID vaccination role out in Rossendale. You can see plenty of his public health videos on Hazelvalley Practice Facebook Channel.
Dr Mannan is an excellent public speaker and a talented tutor, having helped thousands of students into medical school and hundreds of junior doctors realise their dreams. He records many of our video tutorials and teaches in person on all of our courses.
🩺 Dr Khan qualified with Dr Mannan in Medicine back in 2000 at the University of Manchester. Dr Khan initially wanted to be a physician and spent a considerable amount of time in cardiology, coronary care and oncology in hospitals in Northamptonshire, Cheshire and Merseyside. He then decided to become a GP.
🎓 He is trained in Masters level in Medication Education and also has a Masters degree in Medical Law and Ethics from the University of Edinburgh. He has also trained as a GP expert witness at the University of Cardiff but tends to spend most of his time in the NHS.
Dr Khan works as a GP with Dr Mannan in Hazelvalley Family Practice in Rossendale, Lancashire. He is the safeguarding and clinical lead there, as well as supervising medical students and physician associates. He has held several leadership roles in the NHS over the years including providing a Lead GP role in GP out of hours to over 200 doctors.
He has previously worked as a clinical lead in the local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) as well as been a district representative for the Royal College of General Practitioners.