How to choose the right medical school

Studying Medicine is a lifelong commitment which starts at medical school; it is therefore of utmost importance that you choose the right medical school that will suit your learning style. But what factors should you take into consideration when selecting the right school? Here’s a list we’ve put together to make it easier for you!

Arguably the most important factor to take into consideration is the course structure and if it suits the way you learn best. The two main course structures are PBL (Problem Based Learning) and traditional lecture based. Traditional lecture based programs are taught in a way that is similar to the style you will have learnt during school – you will spend most of your time at medical school in lectures and be taught directly the material you need to know. PBL teaches in a different manner; you will be divided into groups and given a case study in which you then need to research the information given to find out the prognosis and treatment. When choosing between the two styles, it is important to consider if you prefer to be taught or if you prefer self-study, as that is the main distinction between the two program structures. Both have advantages and disadvantages; when studying on the PBL course you become practiced from the very start of your career at deducing a problem based on the symptoms given and accordingly deducing the correct treatment, similar to how you will be working as a practicing doctor, however it also means you must be good at motivating yourself to study! In lecture based programs you are “spoon-fed” the information and you are given a lot more guidance, but then you spend most of your time in lectures and have less free time! There is not right or wrong answer when choosing between the 2 program styles, but what is important is that you select what will fit according to your working style.

Medical school is where you will be spending 5-6 years, and as such it is important to be in a city and university which interests you and where you feel you will have fun! Every University will have a Students’ Union. Think of this as another University department, but instead of academics, this department focusses on student well-being and enrichment, and is the overarching body that governs all the student societies a university has. This is also usually where student events take place. When selecting a university to attend, check out their SU website to see what student societies they offer and which societies you feel you would like to be a part of. You can always start your own societies at universities too! Secondly, research the city or area that the university is in. This factor is often overlooked when selecting a university, but is equally important. This is somewhere you will be living for 5 years and it is important that it is somewhere you want to be!

Choosing the right Medical School can be difficult as there are a number of factors to take into consideration. We’ve listed the ones here which we think are the most important, but the best way to know which university will suit you is to attend open days and speak to current students at those universities. Also research the university and take a look at their course syllabus. Good luck!

Blue Peanut Medical Team

The Blue Peanut Medical Team consists of a team of fully qualified NHS doctors, medical school tutors and general practitioners as well as medical students, physician associates, foundation and GP specialist trainee doctors.

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