UCAT 2020 Registration – What You Need To Do Now

UCAT 2020 registration is now finally open. After a period of uncertainty because of the COVID pandemic, you can now go ahead and book your UCAT test date. You might be thinking what to do next and how to start and plan your revision.

This year, UCAT registration has commenced on the 1st of July 2020. It is usually before this date but COVID has caused the delay. Registration will close on the 17th of September 2020. We would advise to stick to this date.

To be able to book a test, candidates must create an online Pearson Vue account.
It is important to register your legal name in full exactly as it appears on the photo ID that you intend to use to verify your identity. Students will be refused entry to sit the exam if the names do not match. Examiners tend to be very strict about this, so please ensure you get it right.

After completing the registration process, you will be contacted with login details. You’ll need these to continue with booking your UCAT test date. UCAT booking opens at the same time as registration: 9am on the 1st of July. Web bookings close when registration does, at midday on the 17th of September.
Even though you can still book a test until midday on the 30th of September 2020, this will incur a fee. We recommend you book early as places do full up.

Shall I sit the exam online or in-person?

There are two ways for candidates to sit UCAT this year – either at a traditional test centre or UCAT Online, which is an online proctored test that can be sat at home and a combination of an artificial intelligence based virtual invigilator (sounds very futuristic doesn’t it?) as well a remote ‘real’ examiner who will watch you through your webcam. This virtual exam has never been done with the UCAT before although virtual interviews are commonplace, especially for overseas students.

Whichever way you choose, there are slightly different steps that need to be taken depending on how you wish to sit the exam. Candidates who are booking UCAT Online should select the ‘at a home or office’ option. Those who wish to sit the exam at a test centre should select ‘at a local test centre’. Think carefully about which option you wish to choose.

We advise all candidates sitting UCAT 2020 to sit the test at the earliest possible time they can. A second wave of the pandemic can easily close a test centre, either in a locality or nationally. If you intend to sit UCAT at a test centre you should book as soon as possible so that you do not get into potential hurdles such as needing to reschedule or needing to instead sit UCAT Online due to test centre closure. Those who have been following the news about COVID will understand this can happen at short notice.

Remember all test centres should have social distancing and infection control measures in place. However, think closely about this option if you are ‘high risk’ of COVID perhaps due to underlying medical problems. If you pick UCAT Online, check your computer meets the minimum specifications and that you have a stable internet connection.

As UCAT season is now officially open, now is the perfect time to get started in your revision. Blue peanut has been running UCAT 2020 preparation courses since June 2020. We offer a virtual classroom based live webinar course as well as a self study at home online course. Both come with several hours of video tutorials and over 1000 calibrated questions. We even offer a free trial of some modules so come and have a look.


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