The Effects of Brexit on the NHS in the UK

Brexit, the United Kingdom's decision to leave the European Union (EU) after a referendum in 2016, has had wide-ranging effects across various sectors of British life. The National Health Service (NHS) is one of the most scrutinised areas. The NHS, a cornerstone of British society and a source of national pride faces numerous challenges post-Brexit, many of which stem from the disentangling of the UK from EU policies, agreements, and markets.

The Brexit campaign is often associated with Boris Johnson and his iconic battle bus, which featured the eye-catching slogan: "We send £350 million a week to the EU. Let’s fund our NHS instead." However, this claim, like many promises made during the referendum, was misleading, and the anticipated £350 million boost to the NHS never materialised.

This blog will explore Brexit's critical impacts on the NHS, from staffing challenges to supply chain disruptions, funding issues, and the broader public health policy implications.

This is a hot topic in medical school interviews. You must be aware of the critical points in the Brexit debate and its effect on the NHS, patients, staff and provision of healthcare in the UK.

Staffing Shortages and Recruitment Challenges

One of the most immediate and visible impacts of Brexit on the NHS has been its effect on staffing. The NHS has long relied on healthcare workers from the EU to fill critical positions, particularly in nursing, medical roles, and support services.

Key Issues:

  • Decrease in EU Workers: Since Brexit, the number of healthcare professionals from the EU joining the NHS has decreased significantly. According to reports, applications from EU nurses to the NHS dropped by around 87% in the year following the 2016 referendum. This has exacerbated existing staff shortages.

  • Loss of Freedom of Movement: The end of freedom of movement means that EU nationals no longer have automatic rights to live and work in the UK. This has introduced more complex visa and immigration processes, making it harder to recruit from the EU.

  • Retention Challenges: Beyond recruitment, there are concerns about retention. Some EU staff, feeling uncertain about their future in the UK or facing bureaucratic hurdles such as applying for settled status, have chosen to return to their home countries or move to other EU nations.

  • Consequences: The NHS has a staffing gap that threatens patient care. The Royal College of Nursing warned that staffing shortages could lead to longer waiting times and higher workloads for existing staff, ultimately affecting patient care quality.

A report by the Nuffield Trust in 2022 confirmed staffing concerns, revealing a loss of over 10,000 healthcare workers from the EU. While recruitment from other parts of the world has increased to fill some gaps, it hasn't been enough to replenish the workforce. Certain specialities, such as cardiothoracic surgery and anaesthetics, have been particularly hit. The resulting shortages put additional pressure on the remaining staff, leading to increased workloads and lower morale. Ethically, recruiting healthcare professionals from countries with their workforce challenges raises significant concerns. The new points-based immigration system is unlikely to favour many healthcare workers, although care workers may face even more difficulties.

  • The end of the mutual recognition of professional qualifications has implications for staffing. While the UK has agreed to recognise EEA qualifications for up to two years, there is no reciprocal arrangement, exacerbating existing staffing shortages within the NHS.

  • EU and EEA students are now classified as international students for fee purposes, meaning they no longer benefit from home fee rates or financial support. This change may deter talented medical, nursing, and healthcare students from studying and working in the UK.


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Supply Chain Disruptions and Medicine Shortages

The NHS also depends heavily on the import of medical supplies, equipment, and medicines from EU countries. The imposition of customs checks, tariffs, and other trade barriers post-Brexit has created logistical challenges to ensure the smooth flow of these essential goods.

Key Issues:

  • Medicines Supply: Before Brexit, the NHS benefited from the EU’s single market, facilitating the fast and efficient import of medicines. The disruption of these supply chains has led to concerns about potential delays in obtaining critical medicines, including those for cancer treatment, insulin, and vaccines.

  • Medical Equipment: Similarly, medical devices and equipment imported from Europe have faced port delays and increased costs due to new customs regulations. New customs checks and paperwork have introduced delays and complications, particularly in the initial months following Brexit. This was particularly concerning during the COVID-19 pandemic when the NHS was under unprecedented strain. A shortage of lorry drivers in September 2021 disrupted the import of essential medicines into the UK.

  • Stockpiling Measures: In preparation for potential Brexit disruptions, the NHS was forced to stockpile medicines and medical equipment. While this mitigated some immediate risks, it came at a significant financial cost and was not a long-term solution.

  • Consequences: Supply chain issues could lead to shortages, higher prices, and treatment delays. The government has pledged to ensure continuity of supply, but the added complexity of customs and regulatory divergence remains a challenge.

Funding and Economic Impact

Brexit has had mixed implications for NHS funding, depending on political perspectives and evolving economic realities.

Key Issues:

  • The £350 Million Claim: One of the most prominent claims of the Leave campaign was that Brexit would allow the UK to divert £350 million per week (the amount allegedly sent to the EU) to the NHS. However, this figure was widely disputed, and in reality, the economic impact of Brexit has led to slower economic growth and reduced tax revenues, which may limit public spending capacity in the long run. In 2019, the government promised an increase of £33.9 billion to the NHS budget by 2024. Additionally, in response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, further funding was allocated to address the surge in hospital admissions.

  • Impact on Research Funding: The NHS is closely tied to medical research, much of which has been funded by EU grants and research programs like Horizon Europe. While the UK has negotiated a degree of access to these programs, there is concern that research funding may decline or become more competitive, affecting innovation in healthcare.

  • Consequences: Any economic slowdown resulting from Brexit could indirectly impact the NHS through reduced public funding. Moreover, reduced research funding could slow the development of new treatments and innovations in the UK healthcare sector.

Regulation and Standards

One less tangible but equally essential impact of Brexit on the NHS involves changes in healthcare regulations and standards.

Key Issues:

  • Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA): Before Brexit, the UK was part of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), which streamlined the approval and regulation of medicines across Europe. Post-Brexit, the UK's Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) must handle its regulatory processes, which could delay the approval of new medicines and medical devices.

  • Diverging Standards: While the UK government has expressed a desire to maintain high standards for healthcare and medical products, regulatory divergence could complicate trade and cooperation with the EU. If UK standards deviate from EU norms, it could create additional barriers to importing medical products or collaborating on healthcare projects.

  • Consequences: The potential for regulatory divergence could slow the availability of new treatments and innovations in the UK, as the NHS would need to navigate separate regulatory systems for domestic and EU-approved medicines and technologies.

Moreover, drug shortages have prompted pharmacists to use waivers to purchase higher-priced medications, putting additional financial strain on the NHS.

Impact on Public Health Policy

Brexit has also had broader implications for public health policy, particularly in areas where the UK previously benefited from EU-wide cooperation.

Key Issues:

  • Cross-Border Healthcare: Before Brexit, UK citizens could access healthcare across the EU through the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) system. While the UK has negotiated a replacement, the Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) does not cover all the same countries or services, potentially limiting healthcare access for UK citizens travelling in Europe.

  • Pandemic Preparedness: During the COVID-19 pandemic, EU countries benefited from coordinated procurement of vaccines and PPE. Post-Brexit, the UK was excluded from these arrangements, although it independently procured its vaccine supply. In future pandemics or public health emergencies, the lack of EU cooperation could hinder the NHS's ability to respond effectively.

  • Consequences: The weakening of international cooperation in healthcare could reduce the UK’s capacity to respond to cross-border health threats and limit citizens' access to healthcare while abroad.

On a brighter note, in September 2023, the Prime Minister secured a deal that allows UK scientists to participate in the EU's Horizon Europe scientific research and innovation program until 2027, providing much-needed access to funding opportunities.

Public Health Implications

The ramifications of Brexit extend beyond the operational aspects of the NHS, with significant implications for public health. The potential decline in healthcare professionals' availability, funding constraints, and regulatory challenges could adversely affect health outcomes across the population. The interconnectedness of these factors underscores the importance of a holistic approach to health policy in the post-Brexit era.

Health Inequalities

One of the most concerning implications of Brexit for public health is exacerbating existing health inequalities. Vulnerable populations, including those in low-income areas, may experience diminished access to healthcare services as the NHS grapples with workforce shortages and funding cuts. The widening gap in health outcomes could have long-term consequences for societal well-being and economic productivity.

Addressing these disparities will require targeted interventions and policies prioritising equitable access to healthcare resources, particularly for marginalised communities that may be disproportionately affected by the fallout from Brexit.

Mental Health Considerations

Furthermore, Brexit's psychological impact on healthcare professionals and the general population cannot be overlooked. The uncertainty and anxiety surrounding the future of the NHS, coupled with the stress of navigating a changing healthcare landscape, may contribute to increased rates of mental health issues.

Addressing these challenges will require a concerted effort from policymakers and healthcare providers to ensure that mental health services are adequately resourced and accessible. Initiatives aimed at promoting mental well-being among healthcare workers, as well as the broader population, will be essential in mitigating the adverse effects of Brexit on mental health outcomes.


Brexit has had significant and far-reaching effects on the NHS, affecting everything from staffing and supply chains to funding and public health policy. While some immediate impacts have been mitigated through planning and preparation, long-term challenges remain.

The most critical issues are staffing shortages due to the loss of EU workers, disruptions in the supply of medicines and medical devices, and the economic impact on public funding for the NHS. The UK government must address these challenges to ensure the NHS can continue providing high-quality healthcare in the post-Brexit era.

Despite the difficulties, the NHS's resilience and adaptability will be critical to its future success. However, the full extent of Brexit’s impact may take years to fully materialise, and continued scrutiny will be essential in assessing its long-term effects on one of the UK’s most cherished institutions.

Medical School Interview Questions

Here are some medical school interview questions related to Brexit and its effects on the NHS and healthcare in the UK:

  1. How do you think Brexit has affected the recruitment and retention of healthcare professionals in the NHS? What strategies would you suggest to address any staffing shortages resulting from Brexit?

  2. What are the potential implications of Brexit on the supply chain for medicines and medical equipment in the UK? How do you believe these supply chain issues could affect patient care?

  3. How has the end of free movement for EU citizens impacted the diversity of the NHS workforce? Why is diversity important in healthcare settings?

  4. Can you discuss how Brexit has altered the funding landscape for the NHS? What implications will these changes have on future healthcare services?

  5. What ethical dilemmas arise from recruiting healthcare professionals from countries facing their own workforce shortages post-Brexit? How should the NHS navigate these ethical considerations?

  6. How do you think changes in tuition fees for EU students studying healthcare in the UK might affect the future of healthcare professionals? What are the potential long-term effects on the NHS?

  7. Brexit has led to changes in public health policy and international collaboration. What do you believe are the risks and benefits of this shift? How can the NHS maintain effective public health strategies despite these changes?

  8. Discuss the impact of Brexit on research funding for healthcare initiatives in the UK. What role does research play in improving healthcare delivery?

  9. What do you think the future holds for the NHS in light of ongoing Brexit negotiations and developments? How can future healthcare professionals contribute to ensuring the NHS remains robust and effective?

  10. How should medical professionals advocate for the needs of the NHS in the context of Brexit? What role do you think advocacy plays in healthcare delivery?

  11. How has your understanding of the NHS and its challenges evolved in light of Brexit? What personal experiences have shaped your views on healthcare in the UK?

  12. What actions do you believe future healthcare leaders should take to mitigate the negative impacts of Brexit on the NHS? How do you envision your role in contributing to these efforts as a medical professional?

These questions can help gauge your understanding of the complexities surrounding Brexit, its implications for the NHS, and your ability to think critically about the future of healthcare in the UK.

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