UCAT Scores and Where to Apply
We will examine which medical schools require the UCAT and how they use your score in the admissions process. We will also offer some recommendations on where you apply with high or low UCAT scores.
Update 15 July 2024 - We have an updated version of this blog. Please have a read at 📚 UCAT Universities and Cut-Off Scores for Medicine.
How does the university use the UCAT score?
Each medical school has a different approach to how the UCAT score is used in the application process. Here is a summary of our findings for 2023 entry: -
The UCAT score is combined with other academic performance, sometimes your GCSE results alone, others with predicted A-level results.
The UCAT score in its raw form will be used to rank students who to call for interview. For example, they may call the top 500 for interview.
Some medical schools will also use the UCAT score again after your interview.
The medical school will let you know in advance a cut off score below which is an automatic rejection.
The medical school will generate a cut off score once all students have applied and results are in. There are several methods used to do this, but is generally involves looking at the number of applicants a medical school can realistically interview. This may result in less popular medical schools having lower UCAT cut off scores.
Some medical schools are placing more emphasis on the UCAT verbal reasoning section than others.
Most medical schools will reject students who have SJT Band 4. Some will also likely reject Band 3.
The medical school can stay vague on how they use the UCAT score. We do not support this approach as it can raise a probity and transparency concern.
⚠️ Please take our guidance below as a starting point in your choice of medical school. As always, please check with the medical school directly before making a final decision, as medical schools do change criterion.
UCAT Percentiles
The UCAT percentile lets you compare your own performance with other candidates that sit the exam.
For example, if you are told you are in the 50% percentile, it means that you scored higher than 50% of students that sat the UCAT exam that year. The term percentile is less often used by medical schools these days, instead using the term decile. You can convert a percentile into a decile – the 50th percentile becomes the 5th decile, the 60th percentile the 6th and so on.
UCAT Deciles
The UCAT consortium sorts everyone’s scores into deciles, with each decile representing 10% of candidates. For example, if your score is in the 1st decile, it means that you are in the bottom 10% of students.
⚠️ Knowing what decile you are in can be important, as some medical schools reject students below a certain decile.
Historically, Blue Peanut internal data shows that if you are in the 5th decile or above, your chance of obtaining at least one offer from a medical school are good. However, as time is progressing and the number of students applying to medicine increasing, this statistic may become less valid 🙁
Can I sit the UCAT exam online from home?
During the height of the COVID19 pandemic when there were significant travel restrictions in the UK, you could sit your test at home using a PC with a camera and microphone. This is called OnVUE Online Proctoring.
It is unlikely to be available as an option for UK candidates in 2022 unless perhaps you can demonstrate that you are unable to travel to a Pearson Vue test centre due to medical reasons.
When Do I Get My UCAT Test Results?
Your UCAT results are printed out and given to you after you finish the test before you leave the test centre. It will also appear on your online Pearson VUE account within 24 hours.
The medical schools you have applied to will get your UCAT score after the UCAS application deadline in early November.
What Is A Good UCAT Score?
The term ‘Good’ and ‘Low’ UCAT scores are becoming more fluid as medical schools use different methods and different cut off UCAT scores, commonly to decide who to call for interview.
Generally, a good UCAT score would be the 6th decile or above, which for the 2021 exam was a score of 2570. However, the medical schools themselves rarely use the term ‘Good’ or ‘High’ UCAT scores.
One, as far as we know, uses the term ‘generous’ when describing its UCAT cut off score. I suppose is it better to say more broadly that a good UCAT score is one that above the threshold for that medical school.
What Is a High UCAT Score?
If you are in the 8th decline or above, you are historically considered to have high UCAT score. In 2021 this would have been a UCAT score of 2730. High UCAT scores are more advantageous at medical schools that rank students on raw scores.
What Is an Average UCAT Score?
The average UCAT score for the 2021 exam was 2499. The average UCAT score has hovered around this value for many years. This is just a statistic.
What Is a Low UCAT Score?
A low UCAT score is generally on the 5th decile and below. For 2021 this was a score of 2500 or less. This does not automatically mean that you will not succeed in getting a place at medical school. Indeed, you will see medical schools advertising minimum UCAT scores of less than this of students that have been successful at getting a place with them. You will need to apply carefully to medical schools that place less emphasis on your UCAT score.
What is the Minimum UCAT Score for Medicine?
It is not possible to define a minimum UCAT score for medicine in general. Some medical schools do publish a minimum threshold before the results of the exam are released, so it is fruitless applying to that medical school if you do not meet this.
Some medical schools will set their own thresholds based on the score of the students that have applied to them, which is where you could be at an advantage if you apply to a less popular medical school. Historical data is often published by certain medical schools and you can use this as a guide.
Does the UCAT threshold vary for different students?
You may find that the UCAT thresholds are different between UK and International students. In addition, if you applying to a medical school in Scotland, there may also be a difference in thresholds between the EU, Scotland and Rest of UK candidates.
Graduate entry candidates may have their own, usually higher, thresholds. Situational Judgment banding requirements may also be more lenient for international students.
UCAT Interim Scores 2022
The UCAT Consortium has released 2022 UCAT interim scores on the 15th of September. This information covers data from the start of the 2022 testing period up to 11th September by which 18,770 candidates have taken the test this year.
It is possible that a further 18,000 candidates will take the test before the last date of the 2022 UCAT test, so you should only use interim data as a rough guide. The UCAT consortium will release final data shortly after testing ends.
For the interim results for 2022, the total mean UCAT score is currently 2554.
The current interim mean scores for each section are:
Verbal Reasoning – 577
Decision Making – 631
Quantitative Reasoning – 674
Abstract Reasoning – 673
🔎 The current interim deciles for the 2022 UCAT so far are: 1st decile – 2170, 2nd decile – 2300, 3rd decile – 2400, 4th decile – 2480, 5th decile – 2560, 6th decile – 2630, 7th decile – 2710, 8th decile – 2800, 9th decile – 2940.
👉 Looking at SJT performance of the 18,770 candidates who took the test up to 11th September, 22% scored in Band 1, 38% scored in Band 2, 29% in Band 3 and 11% in Band 4.
Here is our list of UCAT medical schools and how they tell us the UCAT score is used in the application process.
University of Aberdeen
They will combine your UCAT scores with actual and predicted academic achievement. There is no cut-off score, and for 2022 entry, the lowest score for interview invitation was 2,440 for ‘Scottish/EU’ students and 2580 for ‘Rest of UK’ school leavers. SJT is used in a tie-breaker situation.
Anglia Ruskin University
They have rejected all students with SJT Band 4 since 2019. They will rank applicants by UCAT score and decide who to call for an interview. This medical school is a good choice if you have a high UCAT score.
Aston University
STJ Banding is used in borderline candidates. There is an elaborate scoring system for your GCSE and A-level grades which depends on whether you are a first time or resit candidate and whether you fit the widening participation criterion. How the UCAT factors into this is not clear but it appears the academic qualifications have more weight. We therefore advise that Aston is a good medical school to apply to with a low UCAT score.
University of Birmingham
Your UCAT represents 40% of your weighted application score (up from 35% in the past). The rest is contextual criterion and academic performance. Therefore, this is a medical school to apply to with a low UCAT score.
University of Bristol
The university appears to rank students based on their UCAT scores to decide who to call for an interview. For 2022 entry, the UCAT threshold score to be invited to an interview was 2870, which is on the high side. This is a medical school to apply to if you have a high UCAT score.
Cardiff University
The medical school indicates they may use your UCAT score in the admissions process but don’t give more details. In the past, we would advise Cardiff for students with a low UCAT score, but we no longer do so due to the vague way it is used.
University of Dundee
The UCAT score is used along with academic results, but the medical school does not indicate how. The medical school has become increasingly vague about admissions criteria, so we advise you only apply to Dundee if you have a high UCAT score.
University of East Anglia
The medical school says that a high mark is desired. However, a low score won’t disqualify an applicant’ but then says, ‘Applicants are ranked for an interview based on their UCAT score.’ In view of the ranking policy, we would only advise students apply here with a high UCAT score.
Edge Hill University
Students are ranked based on UCAT scores (after being checked, you meet minimum entry requirements). SJT Band 4 will be rejected,
University of Edinburgh
The medical school has indicated a UCAT cut-off score for 2023 entry applicants of 2,470, so anyone with less than this should not apply. Students with SJT Band 4 will also be rejected.
University of Exeter
The UCAT weighting counts for 25% of the shortlisting process, with academic performance counting for the remaining 75%. This is a medical school we advise you to apply to if you have a low UCAT score.
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All our Medical School Interview Courses entry are planned to be in person in Manchester, London, Glasgow and Birmingham. All come with a top lunch in a top venue ⭐️
University of Glasgow
Interviews are allocated based on UCAT score, once other aspects of your application are passed, such as reference and personal statement. The minimum UCAT score has hovered around the 2690 mark over the years.
Hull York Medical School
The medical school allocates a score to applicants based on UCAT up to 40 and SJT 15, GCSE 30 and contextual data 15. The contextual weighting can put those who don’t meet this criterion at a significant disadvantage.
Keele University
This medical school has a cut off score, but it has traditionally been lower than others. You need a minimum score of 2280. SJT Band 4 students are rejected. Therefore, Keele is one of the medical schools we advise you to apply to if you have a low UCAT score.
Kent and Medway Medical School
The medical school has a minimum threshold which is described as ‘generous’ on the website. In 2022 this was 2470. Band 4 SJT students are rejected.
King’s College London
King’s College indicates that is does not have a threshold UCAT score in any particular year. They also say that the overall UCAT score averaged across the four subtests is given more consideration than the individual subtest scores. The SJT is also considered. However, historically the UCAT mean scores at this medical school have been very high, so don’t let this statement give you a false sense of security.
University of Leicester
Your academic score is combined with a score based on your UCAT results at 32 points each with a maximum of 64. Your combined score will determine whether you are invited to interview. They state students in the bottom 2 UCAT bands will typically get rejected. Band 4 SJT students are rejected.
University of Liverpool
The UCAT score is looked at in the first stage of admissions and they rank applicants. The threshold was 2620 for 2022 entry. UK/Home students with SJT Band 4 are rejected.
University of Manchester
The medical school has a threshold for UCAT and is traditionally high. For 2022 entry the median score of those shortlisted was 2780. In addition, priority is given to students with SJT Bands 1 and 2. This is a medical school for students with high UCAT scores.
University of Newcastle
Students are ranked based on UCAT score. The cut off is traditionally high, being 2850 for 2022 entry. Students should only apply to Newcastle with a high UCAT score.
University of Nottingham
The university allocates points for your UCAT score and combines this with a less weighted score based on your GCSE results. Interestingly they allocate double the score for verbal reasoning. SJT Band 4 students are rejected.
Plymouth University
This UCAT medical uses a cut-off score, which was 2610 for 2022 entry. It has been slowly creeping up over the years. This medical school may no longer be suitable for students with low UCAT scores.
Queen Mary University of London
You will not be considered for interview if your total UCAT score falls below the third decile. Students are ranked 50:50 based on UCAT score and UCAS tariff.
Queen’s University Belfast
The UCAT is scored and combined with a score based on your GCSE results. The weight of the UCAT is significantly lower than that of the GCSE results, so this is a medical school that we would advise students with a lower UCAT score to consider.
University of Sheffield
The medical school generates a cut off UCAT score and then ranks students to decide who to call for interview.
University of Southampton
Students are ranked by UCAT score to decide who to call for interview or ‘selection day’. After selection day your performance is reviewed again with your UCAT score.
University of St Andrews
This medical school ranks students based on UCAT and then calls around 500 top scorers for interview. If two students perform the same at interview, the global UCAT score is used again.
St George’s, University of London
This medical insists you have at least 500 in each section of the UCAT. They will also be looking at the SJT. They also have a minimum overall UCAT score which was 2710 in 2022.
University of Sunderland
The medical school says you must be within the top 8 deciles and SJT Band 3 or above. On this basis we have advised this is a medical school you should consider with a low UCAT score.
University of Warwick
This medical school will look at your verbal reasoning score first – it must be above the national mean. In 2022 this was 570. The medical school also states it will also consider the SJT. The lowest UCAT score for 2021 entry was 2670.
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