Where can I apply with a high UCAT score 2022 Entry

🏆 So you did well on your UCAT Exam – Congratulations 🤩. It does mean that you can apply to any UCAT consortium registered university in the United Kingdom. However, at certain medical schools, having a higher score can give you more of an advantage compared to students with lower scores. We go through how you can decide which medical schools would give you a better chance of success if you have a high UCAT score for 2022 Entry.

Here are some points you wish to consider: -

  • 👉 The medical school may rank students and call the top scoring proportion to interview. So, the higher your score, the better the chance of interview.

  • 🗡 The university operates a UCAT cut off score, which may or may not be published, but it is relatively high.

  • 🗑 The medical school will reject students in UCAT Band 4 SJT and sometimes Band 3.

  • ⚠️ Graduate entry UCAT cut offs may be higher than undergraduate entry – something to consider if you are a graduate.

  • 🌀 Take care with Scottish medical schools. They may have a different approach to Scottish and RofUK (The ‘Rest of the UK’) students. This may seem unfair, but we are where we are.

  • ⚠️ You will still need to make sure you meet the other entry requirements for that medical school. This includes the academic requirements, such a GCSE and A-level graded (predicted or actual if you have them), work experience and a suitable UCAS personal statement.

🔎 Use the information as a guideline to start your choices. Guidance can change so always check the medical school website before making a final decision. If you are still unsure, you should always email the medical school for advice on your situation.

Here is our list of medical schools to apply for with a high UCAT score 2022 entry

King's College London GKT School of Medical Education

  • The medical school indicated that ‘Overall UCAT score and SJT score taken into account’. In 2019 the average UCAT score 2799 which is on the high side.

  • 🔎 It is reasonable to conclude that Kings will have a cut off which is higher than usual as well as favouring higher SJT Bands.

University of Liverpool School of Medicine

  • The university web site indicated ‘Applications are ranked based on the results of the relevant admissions tests – UCAT’

  • 🔎 This indicates the higher your score, the more likely they will call you for interview. As with the other medical schools, make sure you meet the other entry requirements.

University of Manchester Medical School

  • The medical school has indicated ‘If you meet the UCAT threshold we apply, and you achieve Band 1 or 2 in the Situational Judgement Test (SJT), you will likely be invited to interview’. It indicates for the 2020/2021 year the UCAT cut off score was 2640. They mention they have reduced this to 2500 for widening participation students.

  • 🔎 This is a relatively high UCAT cut off score. In addition, scoring Band 3 in the SJT section of the UCAT exam may well lead to a rejection of the application.

Newcastle University School of Medical Education

  • This medical school has traditionally operated a threshold UCAT score – this was 2730 in 202. For graduate entry this was higher at 2910.

  • 🔎 Newcastle has a UCAT cut off core which has traditionally been on the high side. Only apply if you meet this.

University of Sheffield Medical School

  • The medical school website indicates that ‘Applicants who meet or exceed …the minimum UCAT requirement will be ranked based on their UCAT score .. to determine which of these applicants are ..interview(ed)’. The minimum UCAT score is indicated as 2430.

  • 🔎 Sheffield has indicated to us they rank students based on UCAT scores, so this is an advantage for students who have a high score.

St George's, University of London

  • The medical school indicates that ‘applicants ranked to determine cut off – 2620 for 2021 entry’

  • 🔎 Again, the medical school ranks students and then determines the cut off. A higher score means higher rank and more change of being called for interview.

University of Bristol Medical School

  • The medical school operates a cut off score to decide who to call for interview. For 2021 entry they have indicated that a UCAT score of 2830 was the cut off.

  • 🔎 This is one of the highest UCAT cut off scores for any medical school in the UK. Only apply to Bristol if you have a very high UCAT score.

University of Glasgow School of Medicine

  • The medical school has indicated that interview places are ‘allocated on UCAT score’. In addition, the personal statement and reference are also looked at.

  • 🔎 This Scottish medical school had indicated it will allocate interviews based on UCAT score, so the higher your score the better the chance of an interview. In addition, Glasgow is one of the medical schools in this list with relatively fewer applicants per place.

University of Aberdeen School of Medicine and Dentistry

The medical school website indicated that is no cut off score for the UCAT but has said the 2021 entry Scottish average UCAT score was 2670 and higher for the RofUK at 2850.

These average UCAT scores are on the higher side, so it may benefit students to apply to Aberdeen if they have a high UCAT score.

⚠️ What ever your UCAT score is, most medical schools will interview, even during the pandemic, making use of technology such as Zoom. At the time of writing, we are awaiting updates from the medical schools whether interviews for 2020 will be virtual, in person or they will give you the option.

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Taught in person by Dr. Abdul Mannan. Come to the front, practice MMI stations and get expert feedback on your performance as well as learning from others.

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  • 🎓 Includes role play, practical sessions, hot topics including COVID19 and vaccination

  • 😀 The course is live in person allowing students to practice MMI stations with expert feedback. We plan to run these in Glasgow, Manchester, London and Birmingham

  • 💾 There is the option to log in to the class from home by live webinar on some dates. We recommended students that are medically high risk choose this option.

  • 📼 Complete with over 100 follow up tutorials and an up-to-date question bank to reinforce your learning. Access us until April 2022 – hopefully all medical schools will have interviewed by then.

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Medical School Online Interview Guide


Where to apply with a low UCAT score 2022 entry