Medical School Interview Course in Glasgow

Applying for medical school in 2025? We can help turn those interviews into offers so you can focus on your A-levels.

Have you already had an interview and want to sharpen your skills for the next one? Are you applying to Scottish medical schools?

Join our live, in-person interview courses led by NHS medical school tutor Dr Abdul Mannan. Get the skills you need for medical school interviews and practice with expert feedback.

We are coming to Glasgow, or you can attend remotely from home using Zoom. We also hold courses in Manchester, London and Birmingham.

Medical schools can call you for an interview with just a week's notice. Start preparing now to stay ahead!

Medical School Interview Courses in Glasgow taught by NHS doctors teaching at medical schools.

  • Why you must come on our Medical School Interview Course

    Medical school interviews are about more than just knowledge; they require strong interview skills. 🎙️

    Our training is not boring lectures. We expect you to engage with the tutor and other students. We will bring you to the front of the class and put you in the deep end. 🤿

    We will teach you how to develop your communication skills, become more confident in your responses and express your answers clearly and with reflection. 🪞

    Your teaching will include using practical equipment and simulated patients to reflect real MMI scenarios accurately. 👩🏼‍⚕️

    We will provide personalised feedback on your performance, helping you identify areas for improvement and how to correct them. You will also learn from the performance of others in your class. Identify your nightmare areas. 😳

    Learn using proven, evidence-based techniques similar to those used in medical education. Our training is effective, with 95-98% of our students receiving at least one offer. 🏆

    Some of our students have even secured university scholarships due to their exceptional interview performances and have offers reduced to as low as ABB. 📈

    We teach frameworks to help you structure your answers and develop critical thinking skills on the spot. We don't teach you stock answers; we teach you to think independently. 🪜

    You'll learn in a friendly and supportive setting where you can ask questions whenever you're stuck. 🤝

    We'll cover all interview formats, whether virtual, in-person, panel, MMI, or hybrid. 🎓

    Our course prepares you for interviews at all UK medical schools, including Oxbridge, Scottish, and private universities. 🎓

    We are open and transparent in what we offer. We have published reviews from former students and photos from previous courses. 👁️

  • What topics will I cover in the Medical School Interview Course?

    Critique of your Work Experience. 🕵🏻

    Current medical hot topics such as doctor’s strikes and the COVID-19 pandemic. 📚

    Overview of the medical school curriculum and learning methods, such as problem-based learning. 🧑🏼‍🏫

    Understanding the General Medical Council’s good medical practice guidelines and updates, such as doctor’s use of social media. 📱

    Analysis of NHS policy changes and structure. 📚

    Develop your analytical and problem-solving skills. 📊

    Your motivation for medicine, including your research and interest. 🔎

    Develop your ability to think quickly and adaptively. 🏃🏾

    Develop your Manual Dexterity, Practical skills and MMI stations that test these. 🏋🏻‍♀️

    Assessment of your ability to show initiative, resilience, and maturity. 👴🏻

    Your insight into the qualities of a doctor, such as organisation, leadership, and teamwork. 👁️

    Develop your communication skills, emphasising empathy and self-awareness. 🎙️

    Your understanding of ethical principles and your ability to apply them. 📚

    Your understanding of the core principles of confidentiality, capacity and consent. ⚖️

    How should you prepare for the unexpected 10% of interview stations? 😳

Access the Medical School Interview Course Online Portal

  • Revise, Reinforce and Reflect

    All students get access to our Online Portal, which features an additional 9 hours of recorded video tutorials with Dr. Mannan.

    These tutorials will allow you to reinforce and reflect on what you have learned in the course and cover additional hot topics.

  • Recordings of real MMI stations

    For 2025 entry, the portal includes recordings of candidates at MMI stations, complete with feedback.

    You'll see examples of successful and less effective performances, allowing you to reflect on how to improve.

  • Access until the UCAS deadline

    We give you access to all the course materials until the UCAS offer deadline. If you have interviews later than this, email us to extend your access free of charge.

    We want all our students to get into medical school.

Student Medicine (Scotland)- Medical School Interview Course

“Hi, I had attended your medicine interview course and would like to thank you again for all your help. I had three interviews (Dundee, Aberdeen and Edinburgh) and received offers from them all”

Student Medicine - Medical School Interview Course

“I attended interviews at Birmingham, Bristol and Newcastle and received offers from Birmingham and Bristol. My offer for Birmingham was A*AA but I ended up getting AABB. However, they gave me a place anyway. I assume it was to do with my interview in which I scored quite highly (57th out of over 1000 interviewees).”

Practice what you have learnt with four full mock MMI interview circuits.

  • Experience 40 MMI stations under exam conditions, equating to four complete MMI circuits. Your real interview will then be your fifth and not your first.

  • The MMI circuits are designed and supervised by Dr. Mannan and Dr. Khan, experienced tutors in medical school education.

  • Updated for 2025 entry, reflecting the latest trends in medical school interview questions and guidance from the Medical School Council.

  • Receive unbiased and accurate feedback on both your performance and the cohort's as a whole. The examiners' objective is to help you learn from your mistakes, not to be nice to you.

  • Strictly limit to ten students per circuit day. Reserve your spot today.

Meet the Doctors who teach on the Medical School Interview Course

  • Dr Abdul Mannan

    Medical Director at Blue Peanut

    General Practitioner at NHS Hazel Valley Surgery

    Clinical Director Rossendale Primary Care Network

    Deputy Senior Research Leader NIHCR

    GP Trainer NHS England North West Deanery

    Undergraduate Medical School Tutor

    NHS GP Appraiser

  • Dr Imran Khan

    Medical Director at Blue Peanut

    General Practitioner at NHS Hazel Valley Surgery

    Masters in Medical Law and Ethics

    Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners

    GP Trainer NHS England North West Deanery

    Undergraduate Medical School Tutor

    NHS GP Appraiser

Not sure what to book or need advice? Please speak to Dr Khan or Dr Mannan in total confidence on 01706 491146 or send us an email at