Free help and advice on how to write the perfect UCAS personal statement for medicine.
Expert advice written by medical school tutors
What is involved in a UCAS Medicine application?
5 Top Tips on Writing a Great UCAS Personal Statement for Medicine
How do I write a personal statement for medicine and how long is a medicine personal statement?
What should be included in a medicine personal statement and what do medical schools look for?
How do you write up why you want to study medicine personal statement?
What should you not say in a medical personal statement?
How do you begin a personal statement?
How do you end a personal statement for medicine?
Do you need expert help drafting and checking your UCAS personal statement? Let our doctors check the statement for you and you can even book a 1:1 tutor session to help you write your first draft.
Click here to learn more about our UCAS personal statement services.
How do you begin a personal statement?
The first paragraph should be about your motivation for medicine. Here are some phrases that you can use to start your sentences.
The reason why I…….
Ever since I…….
When I discovered that…….
To be a doctor……
My initial interest in……
When I saw…….
I realised that………
How do you end a personal statement for medicine?
Write at most two or possibly three sentences.
Summarise some of the challenges you have come across and how you plan to overcome them
Summarise some of your positive attributes, especially those that will help you as a doctor and medical student.
End on stating you are ready for a career medicine (in your own words).